9:08 AM
Hi Friends,

About 42 million people in India suffer from thyroid diseases.  From 2001 to 2013, the incidence of thyroid cancer in the United States rose by 209%, and it is now the most common cancer among women younger than 35 years.  According to a research conducted by Edocrinology Division, Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for Children and Research Centre, Parel, Mumbai, of nearly 800 children referred for thyroid problems, 79% had hypothyroidism (goitrous as well as nongoitrous), 19% had euthyroid goiters and 2% had hyperthyroidism.  Diagnostic delay in hypothyroidism is common and is related to lack of awareness among us.  Female predominance was marked. However, iodine deficiency was not the sole cause as revealed by dietary survey and urinary iodine estimations.  Increase in awareness will help in dealing with thyroid disorders/hypothyroidism.

After discussing about THYROID AND HYPERTHYROIDISM  (Overactive Thyroid), we are going to cover Hypothyroidism (Under active Thyroid) today.

Here we are going to describe -


 WHAT IS THYROID (Some Extract From Previous Article) -

Thyroid is the butterfly shaped gland, located at the middle of the lower neck and produces hormones that influence every cell, tissue and organ of the body.  It influences body temperatue, helps the body use energy, keep the bran,heart,muscles and other organs working as they are supposed to work.  If this gland is under active and does not produce enough hormone it results in under active thyroid or hypothyroidism and if this gland is overactive and produces too much thyroid hormones, results in hyperthyroidism.  

HYPOTHYROIDISM  (Click Here for Hyperthyroidism or Overactive Thyroid  )


Hypothyroidism is the result of under active thyroid gland, when the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormone to help the body perform normal function.  The people suffering from hyperthyroidism does not have enough hormone in the blood stream.  Common causes are -
  • Autoimmune disease

  • Surgical  removal of thyroid glands

  • Radiation treatment 




As the cells doesn't get enough hormone the body's process slows down. Common symptoms are -


  • Slow pulse 
  • Dry skin
  • Fatigue
  • Hoarse voice, slowed speech
  • Goiter (caused by swollen thyroid gland)
  • Sensitivity to cold
  • Weight gain
  • Constipation
  • Dry, scaly, thick, coarse hair
  • Numbness in fingers or hands
  • Confusion, depression, dementia
  • Forgetfulness
  • Headaches
  • Menstrual problems
  • In children, slowed growth, delayed teething, and slow mental development  



Hypothyroidism runs in family, so make your relatives aware of this disorder.  Get the regular TSH test. There are many causes that make thyroid gland less active.  Some most common causes are-

Autoimmune Disease - 

In some people, the immune system that protects body from invaders take thyroid cells and it's enzymes as invaders and kill them.  As a result thyroid gland doesn't make enough hormone and becomes less active.  The symptoms can be seen suddenly or can progress slowly over time.  This is more common in women than men. The most common forms are Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and atrophic thyroiditis. 

Surgical Removal Of Thyroid Gland Or A Part Of Thyroid Gland -

Thyroid nodules, thyroid cancer, or graves’ disease in thyroid gland need to have part or all of their thyroid removed.  If the full thyroid gland is removed, it makes the person free from thyroid hormone which lead to hypothyroidism while if it is removed partially than the person lives in scarcity of thyroid hormone which again lead to hypothyroidism.

Radiation Treatment -

If the person is treated with radiation as a result of any treatment like head or neck cancer, radioactive iodine destroys some or all the part of thyroid gland which results in the under active or failure of thyroid gland. 

Congenital hypothyroidism (hypothyroidism that a baby is born with) -

Some babies born with 
  • partially active or without thyroid glands.  
  • Under active thyroid cells or enzymes 
  • Thyroid gland is placed wrong 
Thyroiditis -
An autoimmune attack or viral infection inflames thyroid gland which releases all the hormones at ones and results in short term hyperthyroidism and then becomes underactive.
Other Causes -
  • Medicines
  • Iodine Imbalances
  • Malfunctioning of Pituitary Gland
  • diseases deposit abnormal substances in the thyroid and impair its ability to function.  
* Pituitary Glands direct thyroid gland how much hormone to make.



Hypothyroidism doesn't have any specific symptom for long time.  It changes from the way you used to feel.  Only in some cases you always have the symptoms.

If your family member have the history of hypothyroidism.

Physician may check thyroid gland and dry skin, swelling, slower reflexes, and a slower heart rate.

TSH And T4 Test - An abnormally high TSH and low T4 means hypothyroidism.
Thyroxine (T4) : The major hormone secreted by the thyroid gland. 

Triiodothyronine (T3) : Thyroxine is broken down to produce Triiodothyronine which causes most of the effects of the thyroid hormones. 

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) : Is a hormone that stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroxine (T4), and then triiodothyronine (T3



Hypothyroidism cannot be cure, but taking medicines as prescribes by the doctor daily can control it effectively and prevents you from any dangerous effects.  All hypothyroidpatients except those with severe myxedema (life-threatening hypothyroidism) can be treated as outpatients, there is no need of hospitalization. So take the right dose of your medicine and at the right time to control your thyroid level and prevent yourself from any adverse affect of hypothyroidism.



There is no permanent cure of this disorder.  You have to make a lifetime commitment to take right amount of medicine at the right time.   Taking too much of thyroxine can result in hyperthyroidism while lesser amount will not cure hypothyroidism in you.  If you feel development of any symptom of hyperthyroidism consult your doctor again.

You need to get your TSH checked after every 6 to 10 weeks of dosage change.  Take extra care if you are pregnant or on any other medication that may affect your treatment for hypothyroidism.

Babies with the symptoms of hypothyroidism should be given extra care to prevent mental retardation and stunted growth.

Once the thyroxine dosage is settled, test may be needed once in a year.

Consult your doctor immediately if there is any interference in your dosage or treatment and tell him honestly how many pills you have missed.

If you are changing the brand of the medicine, or stopping your treatment or going to start any other treatment, do in the supervision of your doctor and share every detail with all the doctors you are consulting.

If you will keep your hypothyroidism under control, you can yield healthy and happy life.


